DrawTogether with WendyMac
DrawTogether with WendyMac
It's a Terrestrials Take-Over!!
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -28:07

It's a Terrestrials Take-Over!!

The new Radiolab for Kids podcast Terrestrials crashes the DT Pod and it the most awesome thing ever.

It’s Friday! And we have a super special treat for you today.

We interrupt our regularly scheduled DrawTogether Podcast to bring you an awesome episode from the new podcast from Radiolab and WNYC: Terrestrials! Every episode of Terrestrials explores the strangeness that exists right here on Earth (and maybe a little beyond.) Like DrawTogether, Terrestrials gets curious, looks closely at the world and discovers the most mind-blowing things. And, like DT, it’s for kids of all ages.

What DrawTogether does with drawing, Terrestrials does with stories.

You can listen to more episodes on their website, where you can also learn more about the people behind it (ahem, Lulu Miller, co-host of Radiolab) and the incredible scientists they speak with.

We’re featuring their episode Gravitational Waves, and while I am not going to tell you what it’s about, I will tell you that is about SIGHT, SOUND, SPACE and STARS. So DrawTogether friends, grab a pen and paper, because we are going to DRAW while we listen to Terrestrials.

Artwork by Tara Anand

Terrestrials x DT drawing assignment

Your drawing assignment should you choose to accept it: Draw what you hear in the episode. Your drawings don’t have to representational (meaning they don’t have to look like or symbolize a specific thing.) Your drawings can be abstract designs or anything you imagine in your mind inspired by what you hear. Just put down on paper what you see in your minds eye. And if you want to share them with us at DrawTogether and the folks at Terrestrials and Radiolab, you can take a photo and post it to instagram and tag us @DrawTogether.Studio. We can’t wait to see what you create.

Tell us: What do YOU like to listen to while you draw?

We are curious what other podcasts or shows you and your young people like to listen to? What is everyone’s favorite show to listen to while drawing? Leave your suggestions in a comment and we’ll create a little listening-list for DT folks to draw to.

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We’ll be back next week with a new DrawTogether Podcast. Until then, may I present… Terrestrials! Because everything is better when we draw (and share sound-space with our sister world-lookers/wonderers) together.



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