
Drawing as Anti-Anxiety Meds

Or, the 2024 Election Edition.

Hey wonderful DrawTogether GUT humans.

After three magical weeks collaborating with the National Gallery of Art, we are holding off on our last dispatch and saving that for the end of the year. Right now we have some current events to tend to.

It’s election week in the USA. The results will impact everyone here and around the world. I know some people are furious with both candidates. No decision is perfect. But please, vote like your best friend’s rights depend on it, if not your own. If you are not a fan of either candidate, vote to do the least harm. Just VOTE. ❤️

This week I’ve got two things to help you stay positive and not lose your mind:

  • A simple Anti-Anxiety Drawing Practice

  • An Optimistic Voting Sticker Drawing Exercise

This is fun. We’ll get to this in a minute.

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But first, let’s give this moment a little context. Because I’m starting to feel deja vu.

That video up top? It’s from election night, 2020. It also happened to be my birthday.

I remember being a nervous wreck that day. I was testy, reactive and scrambling to DO something when there was nothing more to do.

So I went on Instagram and made a birthday wish: I invited the DrawTogether community - kids and grown-ups both - to stop doomscrolling, turn off the TV, and spend the evening drawing together. I asked two special friends to join me - the illustrator/author

and musician/author (you might know him by his band, The Decemberists.) We grabbed some snacks (and maybe a glass), gathered our art supplies, and met up on Instagram Live. For two hours we all drew flowers together. All different shapes and colors of flowers. Colin sang some songs, and he led a whole group sing of This Land is Your Land.

That’s what’s in that video above.

The gathering was a joy. It kept us sane, and off the news.

Families spent election night drawing together, instead of watching the news

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Thankfully, my birthday is not on election day this year.

I may do a little drawing gathering this year—let me know if you’d like to join me in the poll below:


In the meantime, here’s a little something in advance of election night that could be helpful. Just in case anyone is feeling a wee bit anxious about the election again. 🙋‍♀️


In case you need it, this is me giving you permission to NOT watch the news. Do some drawing instead. If you insist on watching that stats guy do his manic red/blue map dance, do it with a sketchbook on your lap and pen in your hand. Every time he scribbles something with his markers and your heart rate skyrockets, draw yourself a heart spiral.


Here’s a relaxing drawing exercise that might come in handy. The Louise Bourgeois (and Lynda Barry, of course) inspired SPIRAL is scientifically proven to decrease anxiety and create a deeper sense of calm and relaxation. (“Scientifically” is a stretch, but they are proven to work for ME.)

I recommend lighting a candle when you start these exercises and having coloring supplies on hand. That way if (when!) you get in the groove, you can keep going. Coloring IS one of the only areas of drawing that has some serious research behind it - and it will help you chill the F out.

Louise Bourgeois and one of her many spirals

Louise Bourgeois spent a lifetime drawing spirals. Above is one of the many spiral-manifestation she penned, chalked, penciled and sculpted. Louise believed the direction in which you draw a spiral changes how you feel: when you draw outside in, you feel in control. Draw inside out, you feel a sense of freedom. For this exercise, try drawing a spiral expanding out from a point, and then a spiral moving inwards from the outside of the page. Notice how they feel different. Write down your observations.

Don’t forget to breathe.

If you want a little more guidance, here’s a podcast to draw along with, all about spirals.

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I spent a couple hours drawing anxiety-drawing voting stickers in my sketchbook last week. I used a pencil and a small jar as a guide to draw four perfect circles, then went to town with the markers I had on hand, pushing the idea of what a Voting Sticker could be.

It was a fun little meandering morning, and I invite you all to do the same with me this week, and share your I VOTED sticker in the group chat. The only rule: they have to include it the words “I VOTED” (or VOTED or VOTE.) Bonus points if you cut one out and pin it to your shirt.

In addition to sharing with the GUT group in the chat, I’m going to share my I VOTED stickers on IG with my non-drawing peeps. I invite you to do the same.

RIP artist Robert Indiana, whose LOVE painting (and sculpture) inspired a gazillion four letter word rip-offs. We LOVE you.

Alright friends, I’ll be here stress-drawing all week. If anyone wants to share any tips for creative ways to stay positive in a stressful time, let’s use those comments.

Can’t wait to see your Voting Stickers in the chat, and no matter what happens, I’ll see you here next Sunday. Whatever comes, we’ll do it together.



PS - Are you an educator? Have you used DrawTogether videos, podcasts or curriculum with your learners? please take 2 minutes (literally!) and fill out this survey to help us better serve young artists in 2025. One lucky survey-taker-educator will get a Special DrawTogether Swag pack. Thank you!

Here’s an exquisite selection of corpses from our penultimate National Gallery of Art x DrawTogether collaboration. Go check out the chat to see more and add yours.

Suhita: I didn't have co-conspirators on this one, but it was fun to take apart a bunch of sketches from life drawing sesssions and re-assemble them as exquisite corses. using the idea of leading lines to match up the bits.
Janet: This was so much fun😁 Collaborated with my adult son Mike. I drew a dog faced puffer fish head and Mike had no idea when he drew a church torso. I then drew the legs with no idea about the church😁

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