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The Great Dragon BBQ Returns!

Fire up the paper, throw on some paints and pens. Let's grill.

It’s SUMMER. Summer Summer Summer Summer. SUMMMMMERRRR. That means outside. Green grass. Lakes. Pools. Ice cream. And obviously, DRAGON BBQS.

If I had to name the most popular DrawTogethers, Dragon BBQ would definitely be in the mix. It’s also the perfect drawn pairing to go with a warm Summer night. Hence:

Drawing dragon BBQ is a very serious endeavor.

Hit the play button in the middle of that big black square at the top and let’s draw.

If you missed DRAGON BBQ live, here’s what you’re in for: After a hectic start and an inside weather check, we use simple shapes and lines to make a dragon appear before our very eyes. It’s basically magic. Naturally, we draw our dragon a BBQ, some veggies to grill (no animals harmed in the making of this drawing) and then watch as our dragon roasts them to perfection with their fiery breath. RAWR. Tucked into this imagination station are lessons on line, shape, shading, and of course, DT’s rally cry: “No Mistakes in Art!”

FOR SUBSCRIBERS ONLY: this weekend, subscriber get a special video revisit from the Wizard of Ink, Jason Logan! (Jason is the person behind The Toronto Ink Company and published the amazing book MAKE INK, and even has a substack newsletter about ink!) Jason teaches DT kids to make real, actual INK from stuff we all have around the house. And then we draw with it. Yes, seriously. But this is only for subscribers, so….

And as always, post your Dragon BBQs on instagram and tag @DrawTogether.Studio so we can see and share them out with the DT community.

Everything is better when we draw (and RAWWWR) together.



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DrawTogether with WendyMac
DrawTogether with WendyMac