We’re thinking a lot about accessibility at DrawTogether, figuring out how to approach differences in language, sound, and sight. How do we make the DT available to as many people as possible now and in the future? This is a big place of learning for me personally, and opens up a lot of fun and fascinating lines of inquiry. In DT, drawing is our vehicle to grow our curiosity and connection to each other and the world. So how can drawing help us explore the many different ways we each experience it?
I got an email from DT community member Jo who said she is hard of hearing and isn’t able to join in the podcast. It was such a forehead slapping moment for me - and such an great place to start. From here on out, every week, paying subscribers will receive a transcript of DT Podcasts. This will also give me the opportunity to take a little deeper dive into the subject of the podcast. As you know, in DT a heart spiral is never just a heart spiral, and a silly monster is never just a silly monster.
Subscribers makes it possible for us to do important stuff like this, so I DEEPLY appreciate folks with weekly or annual subscriptions. Of course, if you want to receive these transcripts and newsletter and are not able to afford it right now, just send me a note and I got you covered. (And thanks paying subscribers for making it possible for us to do this!)
At the bottom of this email you’ll find the full transcript. But first, I’d like to introduce you to the work of an artist I deeply respect: Christine Sun Kim. Her work addresses her experience of the world, including sound, from the perspective of someone who is deaf. This post is written with grown-ups in mind, but her work is an important conversation opener for kids. I hope it sparks some discussions.