Special Edition: The GUT Imaginary Library, Created by You
I've been LOLing for days.

The GUT Imaginary Library!
I try to keep the GUT to one dispatch a week. But, y’all, the Imaginary Book drawings you all created this past week were so good, so fun and funny and so many quite profound, that I just had give them their own edition. A library edition, if you will.

Above and below are a random selection of Imaginary Books - there are a ton more in the chat in the app, so be sure to “check out” more books there. (Heh, get it?) If you’re thinking “What the heck am I looking at?” then you probably missed last Sunday’s GUT dispatch for members, so be sure you subscribe then READ THIS. Then, if you feel compelled, create an imaginary book of your own and members can share it in the chat in the app. (See end of email for a GUT chat tutorial.)