Really, Really Big News
DrawTogether is bringing art and social emotional learning to classrooms. For FREE.
Hellllooo. It’s me, Wendy(Mac).
Three years ago today schools closed for the pandemic. That was also the day DrawTogether began. So much has happened since then. A lot of it hard. Some of it good. And today, on the 3rd anniversary of DrawTogether, we are happy to share something great that came from it all. This video says it better than I ever could:
DrawTogether Classrooms Is Here!
On the 3rd anniversary of the very first DrawTogether, we’re launching DrawTogether Classrooms to the public. And we’re offering it to educators FOR FREE because we believe every child deserves the benefits of art & social emotional learning.
What is DrawTogether Classrooms?
There’s an abysmal lack of consistent, quality arts education in public schools. And while there may be some funding for social emotional learning, let’s just say the kids don’t really love most of what’s out there. That’s where DrawTogether Classrooms steps in. We offer the best of both wrapped into one: a beloved art and SEL program that is easy-to-use, flexible, and adaptable for all different types of learning environments.
DrawTogether Classrooms, the non-profit arm of DrawTogether, gives educators all the tools and support they need to offer fun and engaging art and social emotional learning to their students. We’re talking curriculum, resources, community and individual support that helps educators get the most out of DrawTogether for their students and themselves.
Are you an educator? Sign up today.
Know someone who works in education? Let them know. Here’s a flyer you can share.
Who is this for?
DrawTogether Classrooms can be used by educators in almost any learning environment: traditional classrooms, homeschools, libraries, after-school programs, pediatric hospitals, and beyond. The program is designed to be flexible so educators can adapt it for their student’s needs. The target age for students is 4-11 (elementary school is our sweet spot) but the DrawTogether Classrooms program has been successful with students all the way into high school, with a focus on English Learners and Special Education programs. The programs are in English, with Spanish and Chinese translations coming soon.
What happens after an educator signs up?
Great question. After filling out the brief survey on the DrawTogether website, an educator immediately receives access to all the DrawTogether Classrooms resources, including the Amazing Educator Guide which provides curriculum, support, activities and more. They will also be invited to join us in DrawTogether Classroom’s first Art Assembly next week. That’s where we gather online, get introduced to the program, and get to know other DrawTogether Classroom educators. A big part of DTC is creating an opportunity for educators to connect, support and learn from each other.
Okay, but how do you know it works? Did you conduct a study or something?
Funny you should ask. With funding from our generous donors, in 2022 we ran a pilot program with 100 classrooms in 30 states. The results were AWESOME and informative. So we took everything we learned from that pilot and built DrawTogether Classrooms as it exists now: an engaging, adaptable, flexible program that gives educators everything they need to bring drawing and social emotional learning into classrooms and beyond.
Starting today, kids everywhere can get the curiosity, creativity, and connection boost DrawTogether provides - and educators get the supportive resources and community they deserve.
If it’s such a goldmine, why they heck are we giving it away for free?
In short, because it feels right. Caroline and I started DrawTogether the day of school closures to be helpful. What began as emergency-relief videos on Instagram evolved into something much, much bigger. But the purpose has never changed.
Every single person who has worked on DrawTogether to date (and there are A LOT of us now) wants to help create a space where every kid can feel safe and seen get all the heart-growing benefits of drawing. Not only is that crucial for a child, but it helps grow curious, caring, creative adults. And we really, really need more of those today. A LOT more. By giving it away today, we are just keeping in line with the purpose and spirit of DrawTogether. It’s the only thing that makes sense.
Who is behind this?
Don’t let the “free” fool you. It takes a TON of work and funding to make DrawTogether Classrooms happen. DTC a big team effort.
Kate Levitt, PhD, is DrawTogether’s Director of Education and Impact. She has been working in education for decades, and with DrawTogether for over two years. She’s the hero of DTC. Since we realized that teachers were organically using the videos with their students in Classrooms, Kate poured her whole heart/head into creating this program. She works closely with educators, builds community, gathers data, and develops resources, and she’s the best. If you get involved with DrawTogether Classrooms, you’ll get to know Kate and you’ll see what I mean.

DTC wouldn’t exist without all the people who have contributed to DT over the past 3 years, starting with Caroline and Suso. All the incredible, talented designers, writers, editors, animators, illustrators, special guests, educators, and advisors whose work you see in the videos, podcasts, activities and educator guide.
And yes it costs money to make this all happen. YOU subscribers to DT and the GUT help fund DrawTogether kids content. THANK YOU. Our wonderful host Substack helped fund the show. DrawTogether’s generous donors made - and continue to make - DrawTogether Classrooms possible. If you want to become a DrawTogether Classrooms supporter we would be so grateful. The full list of major donors and contributors is included in the Educator’s Guide.
What’s next?
Please tell all your friends involved in education to sign up for DrawTogether Classrooms! We kick off with the Art Assembly next week.
Grown-Ups who want to flex your DT muscles, I’ll see you at the DT Grown-Ups Table on Sunday.
And now, Kate and I and the folks who helped make the videos and website and everything to launch this program are going to go dancing tonight. I’m not kidding.
Thanks for being part of this wild adventure. Everything is better…
w (and Kate and the whole DT/DTC crew!)
My kids and I were with you from the first episodes. It's amazing what you and everyone involved behind the scenes have created! Your ripple is reaching far beyond in such a beautiful way. Everything is definitely better when we draw together ♥️
just passed it along to my kids for their schools and some retired teachers to spread far and wide. what a terrific effort - thank you so much. do you sleep?