Episode 2: Magical band-aid, vaccines, and YOU
Learn about the COVID vaccine, draw a special band-aid for someone you love, and (drumroll)...a Suso coloring page!
This past year, we’ve all had to think a lot about staying healthy and taking care of each other. First, WendyMac and special guest Dr. Lee answer your questions about COVID vaccines. Then, draw your own magical band-aid to give to someone you want to take care of. Keep reading for fascinating animals that can heal themselves and a special Suso treat.
Supplies: Paper, Pen or Pencil, Colors (Crayons, Colored Pencils or Paints), scissors, someone you love.
Keep exploring beyond the show!
We’re excited to bring you more learning and creating activities this month. The show will always be available without paying for a subscription, and will be sent to your inbox on Fridays (for the dance party!). Starting April 2nd, if you choose to pay for a subscription, you will also get a second email each week with additional goodies like the ones below. Paying for a subscription also helps support DrawTogether and keep it free and accessible for all. If you are an educator using this in the classroom, or if the subscription cost is a hardship, please contact kate@drawtogether.studio
Art snack: How do we heal?
Healing is hard work. It’s also very cool, gross, and fascinating. When you grow back a body part it’s called regeneration. Can you guess what body part the animals below can regenerate?
Starfish grow back their arms, Sharks regrow their teeth, Lizards can grow their tails, and Humans - well, after a hard day, a fight, or a cry, don’t worry, our hearts always have the ability to recover and grow stronger.
Studio Practice: Suso coloring page
Many things can make us feel better and give us support - stuffed animals, pets, even our very own Suso. And did you know that coloring is a scientifically proven way to lower stress and relax? That’s right, drawing is a way of taking care of yourself! So click on the image below, ask a grown-up to print out this page, and get out your crayons, markers, or pencils. Then, have fun coloring Suso (rainbows, polka dots, party hats - anything goes!), and give her a friend by dreaming up and drawing your own support animal or stuffy. Make sure to send us your finished work at submissions@drawtogether.studio
Your turn to share:
Let’s “do a show.” Take a moment to send us your magical band-aids, Suso colorings, and the support animal you’d create to make yourself feel better. Post comments below or send to us at submissions@drawtogether.studio (you can also tag us on Instagram @drawtogether.studio).
Last week’s show: Inside Weather
Thank you for sharing so many of your beautiful inside weather charts and mobiles from last week’s class. Every week, we’ll post some of your drawings here and add to the website gallery very soon!

Two weeks down and we are feeling your love and support because...everything is better when we draw together!